Dueños de Paraíso follows Anastasia Cardona as she escapes from Mexico, after being attacked by gunmen. After the attack, the men break into her house and rape her as her husband has fled the country to Miami leaving her alone to die. Anastasia realizes it is not safe in Mexico, which leads to her departure for the United States. As she travels through security, while smuggling cocaine into the country, she is stopped by a TSA agent her bags are searched. Her mother however is the one carrying the cocaine in her bags, which allows them to slip by security check.
Anastasia and her husband Nataniel Cardona, a big time cocaine dealer, are reunited in Miami where they rent a mansion. While at the mansion, the first love triangle appears in the show between Nataniel, his personal assistant, Gina Bianchi, and his wife Anastasia. Anastasia quickly learns about this when she accidentally over hears Gina speaking on the phone to her sister saying that she will be having Nataniel's baby. Outraged and infuriated, Anastasia proceeds to end the triangle by murdering her very own husband. The audience can quickly learn that Anastasia is not innocent and that she will do anything to anyone that betrays her. After her husbands death Anastasia works diligently to take over her husbands job and become the most powerful cocaine dealer that Miami has ever met.
Nataniel has been in war with the head of the Santa Norma hotel, Leandro Quezada, and is the reason why Anastasia has to deal with the "war" between her husband and his enemy. Leandro has his men steal the casket that Nataniel's body is in to make sure he is dead and to in a way kill him again. Anastasia then teams up with her new partner Conrado as they try and claim territory over Miami.
I've never heard of a telenovela that has a storyline like this so it's really interesting. I feel like a majority of telenovelas revolve around the typical beautiful woman and a beautiful male protagonist so this one sounds super unique. It kinda reminds me of Reina de la Sur and how the main character in that is a drug lord and dominates the South-I think Miami, so they sound kinda similar-ish! Is this telenovela more about the love triangle between them three or like the war that Nataniel had with Leandro that Anastasia had to take over and the cocaine? Overall though I feel like this is a really captivating telenovela as it's different and I feel as though the producers were trying to catch a different audience and successfully did that!
ReplyDeleteThis telenovela seems interesting. The main protagonist from this novela is also the main protagonist for "La Reina del Sur" so they may seem similar but hopefully it will completely go its own way.These types of telenovelas are becoming more popular. since the drug wars are going on in many latin and central american contries and their effect on people. .